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Commentaire de Nina K

sur OGM : « on est en train de faire que des conneries avec ! » (Pierre-Henri Gouyon)

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Nina K Nina K 5 décembre 2013 19:42

 Et pour bientôt passer à l’homme ? tellement le clonage devient "facile" à maîtriser...

Une seule goutte de sang suffit pour cloner une souris :
Mouse cloned from drop of blood
By Helen Briggs
BBC News
Scientists in Japan have cloned a mouse from a single drop of blood.
Circulating blood cells collected from the tail of a donor mouse were used to produce the clone, a team at the Riken BioResource Center reports in the journal Biology of Reproduction.
The female mouse lived a normal lifespan and could give birth to young, say the researchers.
Scientists at a linked institute recently created nearly 600 exact genetic copies of one mouse.
Mice have been cloned from several different sources of donor cells, including white blood cells found in the lymph nodes, bone marrow and liver. (...)

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