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Commentaire de howakhan

sur Entretien d'actualité avec François Asselineau

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howakhan howakhan 23 janvier 2017 18:50



well probably he is yes, but who knows, not me ! and if so, so what ?

does anyone poor would be a good shepherd because he is poor ? a shepherd for the totally lost human being having no more clue about life and only caught in suffering, sorrow, despair and fear  ?

I am afraid that it does not work that way at all...Most poor people are only the ones who lost at the game most love, it is called competition and in fact it hides a process of elimination..

Most of us, apart from exceptions, walk towards that path because of fear, which is created by this sensation of insecurity we know nothing about its depth in us..and stupidly are guessing that because when one feels insecure then one think that you might as well just have to seek for security and change nothing at all,whether in oneself,or at the global level of society ...where there is competition there is insecurity...in such conditions when one seeks for security, because it is a fight between all of us, security will be found only by stealing other..so we all set the trap which is enslaving us ..

what I know is that rich people to some extend cooperate so they win, and that poor people do not cooperate at all...so they lose !

may be poor and-or losers of this global fight at the scale of the planet, are both creators and victims , directly because of what they are at the inner level. as there is indeed a clear will and a deliberate choice to walk that way..so it is not not incidental is what I mean here.


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