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Arnaulde Schwarzandgueguerre Arnaulde Schwarzandgueguerre 1er septembre 2019 18:44

Äoh bounsoar Fradeurik, ja souis Arnaulde Schwartzandgueguerre, la movie star anda want, would, voudrais to dire à toi, que ja souis oune big fan of toi.


Ja avoir écouted your, desires, to voir John Connor beeing back in le nouvelle Terminator Dark Fate, and ja avoir explain ro mon amitié, how you dire you in french ? Oh yes, I have telephoneï à mon millor ami, James Cameron, you caprice de fan and he says ouioui to me, he is okay to modifaïe the movie epressely for you, expressemont por toa, because, you are a real internet star, you sais ? I am a movie star it’s okay, but you are very powerful, tré tré very puissont on the net, you know, and your, ton, ton avis sur les super productions, sur leï blockbusters is very important for James, you know ? So don^’t worry, take it easy, you will, toa verras, John Connor in Terminator 6, no problem, mais, toi promettre de don’t spoiler le nouvelle okay ?


Aoh, excuse my french but, I appronds tu leï jurs de new things, de nuvelle chaoses you know.


Thank you anyway for the job you make for the Hollyood Industry, sans toa leï movies ne will be pas the same, you are indispensable to us and your videos are regardées des billions time in the USA you sais, it is a belle performonce for a french kid as toa, you know.


Bye and take care.



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