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Commentaire de GeorgeW

sur Brzezinski au sujet du conflit israélo-palestinien et de l'éveil politique des peuples

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GeorgeW GeorgeW 22 juillet 2014 13:16

Hi Hi, this is George W. speaking from Greater America !
Excellent publication from the french rebellion, I’m sure you will attract a lot of people on this board !!!! You can even pick up tons of fun-loving girls like rita at a bar with this video. $ LOL $ LOL $
Believe it or not, Zybig is a jew hater and is considered as anti-semite by saying that jewish-power controls foreign policy. He suggested me once to blow Israeli airplanes out of the sky if they dare to launch an attack on the Iranian nukes. Don’t forget he was born in Poland and his father was a diplomat posted first to nazi Germany and then to stalin’s purge era Soviet Union. Poland was a deeply anti-semitic country. Zybig is playing quaterback in the wasp team for the nwo game, like me, but we got hard times with the jewish lobby.

Open up your ears and shut your mouth froggies !!!!!! Listen carefully to my friend Zbigniew and take a high-level view at the global game. This dude is the best-selling author of "Strategic Vision", he is miles away from your chit-chat. $ LOL $ LOL $ LOL $ LOL $

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