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BlackMatter 24 février 2012 14:26

"Parlement", appellation clairement abusive pour une ONG, vive la confusion ..."

Alors il faudrait que le parlement européen (le vrai) dénonce le nom emprunté par cette ONG. Le CRIF devrait faire pareille.

Est inquiétant aussi le fait que les locaux de cet ONG serait dans ceux du parlement européen.

De plus, il n’est même pas caché qu’il s’agit de défendre Israël :

"The fact that the European Jewish Parliament is gathering in the same building as the European Parliament, the directly elected parliamentary institution of the European Union (EU), is "more than symbolic," said Joel Rubinfeld from Belgium, a former president of the umbrella group of Belgian Jewish organizations, who was chosen to co-chair the new parliament together with Vadim Rabinovich, EJU Vice-President. They will lead the works towards the Parliament’s first General Assembly. 

Rubinfeld stressed that the challenges “which concern nothing less than the future and the place of 3 million European Jews in their respective countries are huge.” 

He mentioned anti-Semitism, the delegitimization of Israel but also the promotion of Jewish values and opening to other communities among these challenges. "

"The idea of a European Jewish Parliament first came from Israeli President Shimon Peres who predicted the success of this new structure. "

"The delegation held talks with EU, NATO and Belgian officials, and discussed issues such as anti-Semitism in Europe, Iran and Syria."


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