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aldous aldous 5 avril 2015 16:46

This is easy to understand "congress" which is AIPAC wants a division between Russia & CHINA & EUROPE : and the American nation, Putin & Obama are unable to fend off the aggression against America and Russia. Americans are dominated by congress and congress belongs to AIPAC. The same situation exist in ISRAEL, the mirror image of confusion and divisions : Palestinians, Iran and terrorism. Some call it the economical holocaust industry, which is link to arms deals and wars, something that Americans have experience from Vietnam to today Ukraine. so you both leaders of the world understand the problem "the Israeli economical holocaust ideology, is simple to perceive" what the brave soldiers and army air force and diplomats can do" probably not much ; only the majority of the American citizens can do something when they themselves understand what is AIPAC who they are and what is their AIM. Discern between Jews and those that have Jewish names and have create a private main media propaganda banking and industrial conglomerate. « Some call it the holocaust economical industry and many are employers of this project, from bankers to religious leaders, politician’s congressmen philosopher’s actors and movie directors, investors and arms dealers. Discern between the correct way to act and the propaganda way to act. Understand the alternative media. And reflect. Until them is austerity, wars and economically intellectually and sexual decline worldwide.. !! .

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