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Commentaire de Vraidrapo

sur L'antisémitisme : son histoire et ses causes, Bernard Lazare

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Le Monde part en couilles Vraidrapo 14 mai 2020 11:50

Excellent présentation. Beaucoup de travail de documentation et de conviction pour aller jusqu’au bout.

Comme tout travail comporte des lacunes, je me permets d’en désigner une (politiquement incorrecte, bien sûr...) :

Poor Turkey. If they had just acquiesced. If they had just acquiesced... But, they didn’t. And then the Donmeh. The Sabbateans of Turkey ? they formed a little movement called the ’Young Turks’. And the ’Young Turks’ got rid of that sultan. But far worse, the ’Young Turks’ prepared for our holocaust [of the Jews]with the holocaust of the Armenians. The Armenian holocaust was a Sabbatean holocaust. And shortly, I’m going to prove this ? this I can prove.

Extrait de :

Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism, and the Holocaust

** The First Sabbataian Holocaust - The Dry Run ** pp 48 - The Young Turks who led the 1908 revolution were Turkish nationalists and established secular institutions, overthrowing the religious Moslem order. They viewed Armenians as a direct threat to their revolutionary plans. The evidence is overwhelming that the massacre of the Armenians was a deliberate, planned genocide. The Young Turks allied themselves with Germany and used world War I as a cover for their slaughter of Armenians...As did the Nazis in World War II, the Turks used their intended victims as slave laborers building a trans-Turkish railway for German business interests. ** And who were these Young Turks who organized The Armenian genocide ? We turn to Sabbataian Messianism as Proto-Secularism : M. Avrum Ehrlich, for the answer. ** The extent to which Jews were involved in the Young Turk revolution is debated, some arguing that Jews and Donme dominated the Committee of the Union and Progress Party (C.U.P) which gained control of the State. Others argue that this was anti-Semitic rhetoric


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