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3 votes
medialter medialter 1er mars 2014 12:38

Pour ceux qui aiment les détails croustillants voici un article tout frais. On y voit 2 pistes disjointes :
1- : The string of banking and business-related deaths also has landed on the radar of Timothy Maxwell "Max" Keiser, an American broadcaster who has worked with Russia Today, the BBC, Al-Jazeera English and others. He suggested on a Russia Today program that there were reports that "up to 20 bankers have recently been found dead," and said he did not think their cases were connected. Keiser suggested, instead, that pressures from ongoing investigations into financial fraud might have played a part.
2- : Root speculates on his website these deaths were somehow connected to an upcoming "epic economic collapse" or "economic Armageddon" due to "spending, entitlements and debt" spawned by "corrupt, ignorant and reckless politicians." Root admits that he could only offer "educated guesses" but is convinced that "something is very wrong. Something bad is coming."
Concernant le crash financier qu’annoncerait cette vague de décès, voir ce reportage qui reprend un article d’octobre 2012 qui annonçait un crash le 4 Mars 2014 (oui je sais, ça fait des dizaines de fois qu’on nous fait le coup, mais sait-on jamais ...)

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