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En réponse à :

Jesse Darvas Jesse Darvas 5 septembre 2010 19:53

Van Jones est la victime de l’acharnement de l’extrême droite républicaine. Mais ce n’est pas un truther :

"Q. Are you a 9/11 "truther" ?

A. No, I’m not. What I believe about 9/11, what I think pretty much everyone believes about 9/11, is that it was a conspiracy by Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, and nobody else, to hurt America.

I learned a tough lesson. Back in 2004, people came up to me at a conference, saying they represented 9/11 families and wanted my help and support. I said, "Sure, I’m happy to help any way I can." I didn’t know their agenda or anything about what they were doing. They just, based on that verbal assurance, went and put my name on a website. They did the same thing to Paul Hawken and Jodie Evans. None of us ever saw the website or their atrocious, abhorrent language. They didn’t have a signature from me. But by [the time all this came out], we were in something of a media firestorm. Even progressives who had stood with me were whipsawed by all that."

Wrong shot, try again !

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