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Commentaire de Sutter Kane

sur 11-Septembre : Un ancien employé du NIST témoigne

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Sutter Kane Sutter Kane 19 juin 2017 22:43


J’ai trouvé ! Citation originale :

"I have been living in the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan and following its leaders’ rules. The current leader does not allow me to exercise such operations," bin Laden said.

Comme je suis vachement sympa, je vous donne le lien pour lire l’explication de ce déni initial de Ben Laden, qui sera suivi de nombreuses revendications : http://911myths.com/html/responsibility.html

Allez, je vais directement citer le passage explicatif, avec ce récit de Hamid Mir, le biographe pakistanais de Ben Laden :

I was not ready to say that bin Laden is involved in the [9/11] attacks. You see, I was questioning the assumption that he is involved. When I visited Afghanistan, I spent some days there, I was totally changed because I saw the pictures of Atta [the lead hijacker] hanging in the [al Qaeda] hideouts. Privately they admitted everything. They said, they [who attacked on 9/11] are our brothers, but they said that “When the Americans kill Muslims in Sudan, they don’t admit that we are responsible for the attacks. When the Indians kill Kashmiris, they don’t admit that we have killed them. So now this is our turn. We have killed them and we are not going to admit that.

My tape recorder was on and one very important al Qaeda leader he turned off my tape recorder and said, “Yes, I did it. Okay. Now play your tape recorder.” I played the tape recorder and he said “No, I’m not responsible”.

Hamid Mir interview with Peter Bergen, Islamabad, May 11 2002 and March 2005
Chapter 10
The Fall of the Taliban and the Flight to Tora Bora
The Osama bin Laden I Know
Peter L Bergen

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