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8 votes
Ortie 18 septembre 2012 11:13


J’ai adoré dès la première partie, le nez sortant, les black-outs et les bannières, superbe travail.
Je regarde le reste plus tard.

Une pièce de plus à ajouter au dossier ! Impliquant pleut-être des gents hauts placés dans l’industrie de la propagande..

Pourriez-vous jetez un coup d’oeil au script du premier épisode de la série The lone gunmen (en anglais) ? Vous le trouverez sur les sites de téléchargement de sous-titres, et ce qui m’a frappé, c’est qu’on y parle d’une fausse attaque terroriste sur le.. Word trade center, desservant les intérêts d’une "petite faction du gouvernement" qui veut relancer le bizness de la guerre. Ce premier épisode est sorti en mars 2001, soit six mois avant le Big Show.

Merci de vos commentaires. Pour un avant goût, je vous retranscris les lignes les plus étranges ici. Regardez l’épisode entier sur Youtube !

- We don’t have the proof. Without proof,
we’re nothing more than conspiracy mongers.

- Without proof,
all we can do is cry wolf.

- Don’t take it personally, man.
They strip-searched all of us.

- Eleven years we’ve been putting out
this paper. Think about it.


- I’m talking about
government-sanctioned murder here.

- Is this another one of your wacko
conspiracy theories, like who shot J.R. ?


- Whatever.

- We found this in the engine compartment
of my father’s car.

- You’ll notice that none of the circuits
have factory identifier numbers.

- This copper zigzag looks
like an integrated antenna.

- Etched into the breadboard
like a cell phone. We’re thinking..

- If this received radio signals and was clipped
at the car engine’s control module..

- The speed of the car
could be remotely controlled.

- All you’d need is a handheld
radio controller to operate the car.

- And make it look like a dead man was driving.

- Mm-hmm.


- N ?mero uno, baby ! Mm-hmm !

- Find something ?

Yeah, I wound up in some government
think tank’s upload directory.

Here’s your scenarios, ladies.

- These look like counterterrorism scenarios, war games..
developed for the Defense Department.

- What’s Scenario 12D ?

- Airline terrorism ?
That doesn’t make sense.

- Your father was murdered over a war game ?

- Download it.

- John.

- Dad.

- What the hell are you doing ? Why can’t you
stay out of this ? Leave me buried.

- What is Scenario 12D ?

- We know it’s a war-game scenario...
that it has to do with airline counterterrorism.

- Why is it important enough to kill for ?

- Because it’s no longer a game.

- But if some terrorist group
wants to act out this scenario...
why target you for assassination ?

- Depends on who your terrorists are.

- The men who conceived of it
in the first place.
You’re saying our government plans to commit
a terrorist act against a domestic airline

- There you go, indicting
the entire government as usual.
It’s a faction, a small faction.

- For what possible gain ?

- The cold war’s over,John...
but with no clear enemy to stockpile against,
the arms market’s flat.
But bring down a fully loaded 727
into the middle of New York City...
and you’ll find a dozen tin-pot dictators
all over the world...
just clamoring to take responsibility...
and begging to be smart-bombed.

- I can’t believe it.
This is about increasing arms sales.

- Mm-hmm.

- [ Sighs ] When ?

- Tonight.

- How are you gonna stop them ?

- ....

- Why didn’t you tell the world this ?
Go to the press.

- You think I’d still be drawing breath
30 minutes after I made that call ?


- Let the F.B.I. deal with this.

- You said yourself we don’t know
the full extent of this conspiracy.

- We can’t trust any government official.
- This flight was chosen
primarily for its visibility.
 It’s scheduled to pass over Manhattan
on its way to Boston.

- You said they intend to bring this down
in the middle of New York City ?
- Well, how are they gonna bring it down ?

- The same way a dead man
can drive a car.
- Get me on that plane,
and I’ll get you autopilot access.

- How you gonna do that ?

- Airline telemetry systems use processors
similar to those found in C.B. radios.
- Remote access.
Somebody on the ground’s flying your plane.
- World Trade Center.
They’re going to crash the plane
into the World Trade Center.


Extrait du script du premier épisode de la série The lone gunmen, sorti en mars 2001

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