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Signaler un abus

morice (---.---.75.81) 10 septembre 2015 21:46


Defendant Martin Armstrong engaged in a seven-year long, $3 billion Ponzi scheme, described by the government as the “the largest Ponzi scheme in history,” causing losses of $737 million. (See Sentencing Tr. at 36-37, attached hereto as Exh. 32). Armstrong exhibited no remorse or concern for his victims. To the contrary, he refused to surrender more than $14.9 million of gold bars and rare coins he had obtained as part of his scheme. He was jailed for civil contempt, and spent seven years refusing to acknowledge or turn over his ill-gotten gains. Armstrong never accepted responsibility for his actions – once again, to the contrary, he spent half an hour at his sentencing hearing rationalizing his behavior. Nevertheless, the government agreed to permit Armstrong to plead guilty to a single conspiracy count of conspiracy, effectively capping his sentence at 60 months, the sentence Judge Keenan imposed (in addition to the 7 years he had spent in prison for his continuing civil contempt).
